Entry #13 Abstracts

 Study notes:

Hecho con Padlet


Writing is one of the most difficult skills when learning English and putting it into practice. There are lots of things you have to look into when writing. First the topic or theme you are going to write about, then the connection you have to do between the topic and all the information you have, and finally the genre. Genres are quite a variety when you decide to do this kind of work. Abstracts as we can see here is one of them. You need to follow a series of steps in order for your writing to be understood and striking. But well, in my case writing has always been a challenge and I will try very hard to improve it following these steps so it can become an easier way to express my ideas.

As for the tools, I have never tried Padlet when creating a Time-line. It is a very useful and easy web tool so I guess I am going to do more work there. I had created a new Google account so I could use it. As you can see in my previous blog entries, I had already used the amount of padlets the free account lets you create so that is why I created a new one. I strongly recommend using it because it is very easy and you can put a lot of information in each publication. Hope you enjoy my time line and find it useful for your entries!


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