Entry #9 Paragraph Essay + Refugees

We Refugees | A Benjamin Zephaniah Poem from Red Café on Vimeo.

Essay Writing
As I couldn't make it on the padlet, I'm sharing a picture of a mindmap that helps me learning better:

Here I leave you the link so you can access to it:

Here you will find a very interesting TED talk in which they point out the fact that refugees are not just trying to survive. Hope you enjoy it

Metacognitive Reflection

Writing in a second language form is always one of the most uncomfortable skills for learners. Communicating their ideas and trying to make them clear is perhaps the most difficult one. During the different processes writing takes place students concentrate not only in the structure of the text but also the way they need to communicate their ideas. We as teachers need to stimulate this skill in order for our students to feel comfortable when writing and to understand the fact that writing takes time and steps besides knowing that is not always written as a final draft but as the first one which needs revision and work. It is a very useful tool to make them see that with practice they can accurately communicate their ideas in their second language.


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