Entry #2 "Advice on Academic Writing"

Advice on Academic Writing de estefi paulozzo
This work caused me to find myself using Power Point again. It had passed so many years that I decided it was time for a change. So I used Canva instead. Canva is an application that I use regularly but I have never used it to create a slide show so it was all new for me. I did not know how to embed a link in the blog either so I must say I learnt a lot about how to use these different gadgets. I used to use Power Point in presentations for school so it it was a long time ago since I used it for the last time. I am very happy because I managed to incorporate new technological knowledge into my life and I am sure I will continue using it from now on.
As for the material, I found it quite hard to summarize the text so short so I hope I did a good job! though the material is very useful for us to use in the future and take it into consideration while teaching. It is a very interesting material.


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