Welcome everyone!

Hello everyone. My name is Estefanía. I´m 32 years old. I live in Adrogué near the college. I work as a teacher in a kindergarten and I really enjoy it. I have a cat as a kind of pet... it´s not mine but he comes to my house and I feed him so I call him my pet haha. I even named him "Oscar" during this quarantine. I enjoy reading books and watching movies in my free time. I also like drinking mate, it´s something I do everyday at any time (sweet of course haha). What I really don´t like doing is cooking, but this isolation makes me do it so I have no choice. 

I wish everyone the best for this year! We´ll be the last promotion class that finished the old plan! Hopefully we have fun and learn a lot!

Best wishes for everyone! Estefi ❤


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